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Wellbeing Works

Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Looking after your own wellbeing, especially when you are a small business owner, is hard work. In a study* of more than 1000 Australian SME’s, more than half of the owners were experiencing anxiety or depression. This increased to 60% amongst hospitality, retail and accommodation businesses. So, it’s not surprising that the Victorian Government has recently rolled out a Mental Health for Business Communities program – and that Clunes has been selected as just one of those communities.

Article: announcing project, The Courier, 27th June 2023

“There are a range of different factors that influence a person’s wellbeing,” said Lana de Kort, Chief Entrepreneur at BOOM Clunes, and the manager of Clunes Neighbourhood House.

· Positive Emotions

· Engagement

· Relationships

· Meaning

· Accomplishment

· Health

“As part of this funding our staff and volunteers participated in training and coaching to better understand how small business owners (in particular) can build on these factors to care for themselves,” said Lana

“But we recognised immediately that for many business people, just having access to a space where they could breathe and simple nudges to take advantages of supports was vitally important – and so Wellbeing Works was born.”

Wellbeing Works is a 6-month project offering business people and small business owners in Clunes and surrounding areas:

· 50 free ‘one month’ business passes to BOOM Clunes (valued at $40 per month or $275 a year)

· Upgraded facilities at BOOM including an online meeting room with exercise equipment so you can get fit while you meet

· Online BOOM community where co-workers can engage

“It goes without saying that businesses are doing it tough economically at this time,” said Peter Chandler, President of Clunes Neighbourhood House, “For many business people at home or traders, having a place in the main street where they can grab a few minutes to get something done, be supported and even stretch their legs (albeit on an exercise bike!) while they work is a simple, but important way of looking after themselves and their business.”

To find out about the Business Passes email: or pop into BOOM Clunes.



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